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Global News - AGP Partner Micahel Spratt on Bail

Ottawa criminal lawyer Michael Spratt on new bail laws

The Liberals’ new bail-reform legislation includes new measures that would make it more difficult for some repeat violent offenders to get released on bail.



Justice Minister David Lametti introduced the bill Tuesday morning amid an ongoing plea from premiers, police associations and victims’ rights groups to strengthen the law.

He said the bill responds “directly” to their concerns.

Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre said during his own press conference that he would go a step further if he was prime minister and waive such offenders’ rights to a bail hearing in the first place.

Poilievre said he would bring in laws that would require repeat violent offenders who are newly arrested for violent crimes to remain behind bars throughout their trial — “jail, not bail.”

But AGP partner Michael Spratt says bail is an important aspect of Canadian criminal law and has some warnings that tougher bail laws will make our communities less safe and could violate the constitution.

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